Monday, November 30, 2015

My October Trip to Las Vegas Hair & Nails

Hello Dahlings!
October was a mess for me.
Ciri got bit to da bone in a cat fight.
Ziggy got an infection in his mouth.
Luna & Jazz came down with something & stopped eating.
All of this meant doing messy unpleasant things to my cats
involving meds, food, oral syringes, hot compresses & sub-Q fluids
every 4 hours or so from Oct 3rd thru to da 30th. Not fun.
Mr Inky & I had plans to go to Las Vegas in early Oct.
My Inky had a conference to attend during da week
& I was to have several days of play & relax time.
Then Ciri got hurt & needed a lot of care.
I was going to have to skip da trip.
Then my most magnificent MOM volunteered
to drive 7 hours, one way, to cat sit,
so I could at least join Mr Inky for da weekend,
when we had tickets to go see shows
& our scheduled day for hanging out with Penn Gillette.
(Yes, THAT Penn of Penn & Teller magician fame)
So Mr Inky helped me dye my hair da Saturday before he left
& I painted my nails da following Thursday night
before I flew to join him.
Here are da pics...
 We did a split color of pink on top & blue underneath.
This went over da leftovers of da party stripes
we did in August for da cruise.
 Da color is this pic sucks, but you can see my 2 toned bangs
& how da blue violet plays peek-a-boo thru da pink in da back.
 Da line up ~ Princessa 540-07, 540-08 & 540-06,
(these don't have names, just #s)
(still available, just awkward to post a link to)
 I started with a coat of Cotton Granny Panties franken white.
Then added 2 coats of da Princessas.
These are crellies & fairly opaque in 2-3 coats,
but I wanted them to pop, so went with da unders.
 One full brush dabbing of Fantasia from Pam's fall collection.
 Shards of purple & fuchsia made for sparkly fun!
 I added a coat of Let Me Holo At Ya!
so I could have uber sparkly nails.
 And duh!
On that Saturday, Mr Inky & I got to hang out with Penn & Emily.
We went to da Spa at da Rio after lunch & I got a pedi
(Which I badly needed as I'd shreaded over one toe nail 
with my suitcase at da airport & ripped another one off
tripping over da end of da couch in our hotel room)
& a light trimming of my hair.
Barbra was most excellent & having so much fun playing with my hair
(she was pleased to see how well I take care of my long tresses,
so that da bleaching hasn't fried it & it feels like real hair, not a wig)
that I let her do me an up do for da P&T show that night.
I felt SO fancy! LOL
We had uber fun seeing Mac King, 50 Shades The Parody,
I came home more tired than when I got there,
dehydrated & not looking forward to more cat care plus camp prep,
but I'm so grateful to my mommy for taking care of Ciri that weekend!
>^. .^<
 Poor lil guy!
He had a tube coming out of the underside of his shaved leg for drainage
& his paw swelled up to more than twice it's normal size.
This is NOT my usually happy & hyper Royal Tininess of Cute-I-tude.
Thanks for stopping by!
~ Inky

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Indie Inlinkz Presents ~ An Indie I'm Thankful For feat. Carpe Noctem Cosmetics!

Hello Dahlings!
This month da Indie Inlinkz Facebook group are showcasing 
Indie brands we're thankful for
I've been buying CNC polish for a couple of years now
& just this fall got to swatch & review both da
& several of her body pampering products from da
since I wrote da above post & it's FANTABULOUS!)
I've been a fan of Emily's high quality polishes & beauty products
since trying them da first time!
She is so uber careful with da details of hew creations
that I've never had any issues with ANY of her products.
Not even separation of da polishes
& that's practically a given with any polish that sits around long enuf.
So in addition to a bunch of link spam to other posts of mine
featuring CNC polishes,
I'm going to tantalize your polish lust with this beauty...
 This is 2 uber luscious flash pic coats of You're a Plum! Thank You!
M of Hope carries da full CNC Cancer Nail Polish Collection.
 Same mani under LED to bring out those linear rainbows.
Between da teal leaning blue linear holo base
& da intense purple chrome shimmer,
this beauty is mesmerizing in person!
I had a really hard time trying get a good pic
of both da color & da shimmer,
so trust me when I tell y'all
this polish is MOST EXCELLENT.
Now for da spammy portion of this post to further entice you!
To see more of da deliciousness that awaits you when you order...
You KNOW you want these beauties on your claws ASAP!
Emily isn't doing a Black Friday sale cuz she believes
we should be savoring our precious time with our families,
not pondering our shopping strategies. I agree!
She is however, adding da M of Hope collection
& a bunch of other good stuff to her shop
Carpe Noctem Cosmetics 
today (Saturday, Nov 27th) 
along with a discount of 20% off your $20+ order.
Just use da code: TURKEYSANDWICH
in da coupon box to get da savings!
Why am I thankful for Carpe Noctem Cosmetics?
Let's see...
there's Emily's quirky sense of humor that plays so well with mine, 
her gorgeous face & hair that show how well her apothecary products work,
her enthusiasm for creating quality beauty products 
with out unnecessary scents or colors 
(Don't even try to come between me & my reborn balm!)
& the high quality of both her creations and her customer service...
what's not to be thankful for in an indie brand!?!
I'm looking forward to many years of shared fun with Emily
>^. .^<
 What's in here? Is dat cat nip I sniffs?
 You harshing mah buzz, Ziggy?
 Now Luna wants in on dis too?
Serves Ziggy right for stealing my bag o' nip!
Thanks for stopping by
& please share da luvs with da other Indie Inlinks ladies
and most certainly with Carpe Noctem Cosmetics!
~ Inky

Indie Inlinkz presents an Inide we are thankful for!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Friday, November 27, 2015

40 Great Nail Art Ideas ~ Comics & Cartoons

Hello Dahlings!
This week da Tart's are doing manis
that feature comic books &/or cartoons.
I did this...
 Pow! Bang! A damsel in distress!
 Da line up ~ Cotton Granny Panties franken,
my as yet un-named gitd franken tints
& Cuttin Edge Nails black stamping prototype.
with my beloved Creative Shop Stamper
to make my decals.
 While I did have a few technical issues
making & applying da decals,
I really enjoyed this mani, especially at night!
>^. .^<
 I'se KAPOW! on da cuteness scale!
You may bask in my cuteness now & forever.
Thanks for stopping by
& please share da luvs
with da other Tarts!
~ Inky

Monday, November 23, 2015

HPB Presents ~ Monochromatic

Hello Dahlings!
This month da Hobby Polish Bloggers are doing monochromatic manis.
I did this...
 I went with 3 pinks in a gradient 
plus a black confetti polish for contrast.
 Da line up ~ Ruby Kisses Pink Flamingo, Hot Pink & Raspberry
plus Anonymous Lacquer On The Prowl.
>^. .^<
We have yet to figure out why Mr Inky's groin
seems to be Ciri's fav napping spot.
Maybe it's toasty warm for our short furred kitty?
Thanks for stopping by
& please share da luvs with da rest of da
Hobby Polish Bloggers!
~ Inky

Friday, November 20, 2015

40 Great Nail Art Ideas ~ Gray & a Color

Hello Dahlings!
My puter woes continue,
but I've figured out a round about way
to post to my blog with pics & almost everything.
This week da Tarts are doing manis in gray with an additional color.
I chose pink for my color & my personal pattern is leopard spots.
I did this...
I've done a better job using this technique,
but y'all get the idea.
Da pic on their site shows a stronger thermal shift than my pic,
but my bottle is pushing a year old
& thermals unfortunately have a shelf life of about one year
before they stop reacting to temperature changes.
I love wearing thermals in the winter,
but strongly recommend
you buy them in mini bottles whenever possible.
You'll be more likely to use them up before they expire.
If minis aren't available, just make sure you really like da base color
cuz that's what you'll see all da time after da shifting ends.
I added my spots using da largest dotting tool I have
that I got in da Festival Paint Collection
that I got from Enospring.
Enospring also carries all 3 Color Club Halo Hues collections!
>^. .^<
That can't be comfy. LOL
Thanks for stopping by
& please share da luvs with da other Tarts!
~ Inky

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

40 Great Nail Art Ideas ~ Your Job

Hello Dahlings!

My phone & puter were having a disagreement last week.
My phone sent my nail pics to my puter.
My puter refused to sync up & accept them.
Plus I had to go out of town for work
before Mr Inky got home from a week away & could fix it.
So I'm not in da group collage this week,
but I did get this sucker done on time!

 This week da Tarts are doing manis
that show what they do to pay for their polish.
I did this...

 I'm a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator.
Stampin' Up! is a home sales based company
that sells coordinated paper crafting products
that can be used for card making, scrapbooking,
home décor, gifts & gift wrapping.

So I sell peeps crafting toys & then teach them how to use them.
I've been doing this for a lil over 12 years.
It's fun & I sell enuf to pay for my crafting & polish hobbies.

& Strawberry Slush LE polish
from a set of In Color promo polishes
SU released a couple of years ago.

These products & quite a few more that can be used for nail art
are available from a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator near you.
To find a demonstrator, go to da main website,
select your country (the tab is in da upper right corner)
& click on Find A Demonstrator.

You can only order from a demonstrator in your own country.
Cross border sales are not allowed.

I made my decals by placing a piece of washi tape
on some mailing label backing paper
& then punching out the shapes.
Da pearls are self adhesive,
so adding them was easy using da tip of my scissors.
I did a double coat of Seche Vite to seal everything.

>^. .^<

Alas, a storm blew thru here yesterday & fried our personal server.
Mr Inky rigged it so we have internet, but I don't have access to my pics.
Hopefully, he'll have it fixed so I can post on Friday
cuz while I can post my mani pic to da Tart's FB page from my phone,
I can't post to da album or here without access to that file.
Double poop.

Thanks for stopping by
& please share da luvs with da other Tarts!
~ Inky

Friday, November 6, 2015

40 Great Nail Art Ideas ~ Black & White

Hello Dahlings!
 This week da Tart's are doing manis in black & white.
My personal pattern for this prompt is Ikat.
 Um yeah.
I may need to work on this technique.
 Da line up ~ Carpe Noctem Cosmetics Prince Eric,
& Sally Hansen I (heart) Nail Art pen in White.
 I started with 2 coats of da dark & brooding Prince Eric.
I then added a coat of Milky Way,
followed by a coat of SH Dries Instantly.
20 minutes later, I added da Ikat lines using da pen.
A coat of Seche Vite & I was done.
It was a bit of a shame
to flatten Prince Eric's rainbows with da gitd,
but seeing da glowing purple
every night I wore this mani was kinda worth it.
>^. .^<
You gots rings around da bafftub!
Thanks for stopping by
& please share da luvs with da other Tarts!
~ Inky