Friday, September 18, 2015

HPB Presents ~ Fall aka Autumn Awesomeness!

Hello Dahlings!
This month da Hobby Polish Bloggers are showing off their fall manis!
I did this...
 This mani was even MORE awesome IRL!

 Da line up ~ Carpe Noctem Cosmetics Burning Bushes,
Foliage In Flames & Faerie Synthesis
from da Forrest Collection being release
next Friday, da 25th of September!

 I used a bit of cosmetic sponge
to do this autumn awesomeness gradient using da CNC beauties.
All 3 have flakie treasures that are a wee bit camera shy,
but oh so gorgeous in person!

I stamped da leaves using Espresso Martini,
Dulce is back with a new & improved shop
>^. .^<

 Was dat?
 A cat nipped felt ball!
 Deres more nip in dis bag...
 ...nip over load!
Hey! What u'se doing in mah bag o' nip, Ziggy?
Thanks for stopping by
& please go share de luvs with da other
Hobby Polish Bloggers!
~ Inky

Hobby Polish Bloggers is a Facebook group geared towards any nail blogger who blogs for fun and is looking for feedback, support, and a place to converse with fellow nail bloggers. Check us out on Facebook if you're interested in joining.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. I like, i like & i like a lot! The gradient look are great - the colours that you've used. Not to mention your stamping plate. I will get their someday by having one myself.

  2. Gorgeous fall nails! I love those Carpe Noctem polishes. I love your cat too! Tuxie cats are awesome!

    1. Thanks Steph! Emily does indeed make a might fine polish.

  3. Gorgeous stamping plate! Love your mani. :)

  4. This gradient looks great on your nails. This is the second post that uses Carpe Nocturne polish. I am getting really interested in this brand because of you two. The stamping looks great in that bronzy gold. And, of course, being a fellow kitty lover love these pictures!

    1. Thank you! Emily makes great polish & her apothecary products are fab too. She's re-releasing her 1st collection (both in the original & in holo) this Friday & a bunch of other polishes are on sale to make room for more pretties. :)

  5. Beautiful! And I love the cat too!
    - Sheila, Pointless Cafe

  6. Lovely manicure and lovely cat! Very jealous!

  7. WOW! That is the most perfect gradient! <3 And i love kitties too!! =^..^=

  8. I love everything about your mani! Colors, base gradient, stamping! So perfectly Autumn themed!

  9. Omg that cat not cracked me up!! And beautiful mani!

  10. The gradient is perfect! And the stamping too. I love them both.


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