Hello Dahlings!
I'm taking a break from Does It Stamp? this week to post da last award/tag I've received in da last few months. Da very talented Jasmine from I (heart) Nail Candy nominated me for this award in May.
Da rules for this one are simple:
1) Answer da questions asked by da blog who nominated you.
2) Nominate up to 20 other blogs with less than 200 followers.
3) Create 11 questions for them to answer.
Questions from I <3 candy:="" font="" nail="">
1) What is your favorite brand of nail polish?
Whimsical Ideas by Pam is my fav indie polish, but I have the most Sally Hansen in my prodigious collection & uber love Sally Hansen's dearly departed Chrome line! <3 font="">
2) How is your polish stash arranged?
By color in clear plastic drawers from both Wal-Mart & Fred Meyer's. I can fit about 50 full size bottles in either size drawer. (da one's from Wally World hold 4 rows of 12-13 polishes & da FM ones hold 5 rows of 10 bottles) All my drawers fit under my desk...for now.
3) Besides nail art, what are your other hobbies?
Oh geez, where to start? Rubber stamping, jewelry making, beading, knitting & crocheting, sewing (both quilting & clothes), needle point & cross stitch,
oh yeah & reading.
4) What is your favorite cuisine?
Another tuffy! We eat a lot of Asian food & Vietnamese is my fav, but I also love Japanese, Korean & Thai food along with Mexican & Salvadoran, Italian, German & pizza. (American pizza is not Italian, but it is da perfect food!)
5) How often do you change your manicure?
Usually every other day, so 3-4 times a week. Unless I'm really digging a mani or am too busy to change what I have on, then I might skip a 'scheduled' nail session. I get techy if I have too much of a grow out line from my cuticles & chips drive me nuts too, so a week with da same mani is my limit.
6) What's your favorite mani on your blog?
My Kitchen Sink Saturday #1 post! Not only were my nails 1" long, I was wearing one of my fav frankens plus finally I broke free from da creative chains of 'all da nails must be da same'. Very liberating after 30 years of rather boring manis, let me tell you!
7) Do you play any musical instruments?
Once upon a time I played da trumpet, French horn & piano.
8) What's your favorite color?
Black...no violet...wait...what about fuchsia? Throw a lil silver in & I'm happiest wearing any of these. I guess black is my go to color, but I really love me some pinks & purples.
9) What's your favorite nail art technique?
Da Kitchen Sink Mani. I can do a lil bit of whatever I want!
10) Matte or glossy?
Glossy! Tho' I have learned to appreciate matted glitter.
11) What are your tips regarding nail care?
I didn't keep my nails this long cuz they were a major pita, but da things I do work for shorter nails too. Right now my nails are just shy of 3/4" from cuticle to tip.
Okay, I'm gonna break da rules now! I'm not going to nominate anybody & I'm not coming up with 11 new questions. If you'd like to do this tag award on your own blog using da above questions, go right ahead & leave a link in da comments.
I'll have another Does It Stamp? post for y'all next week.
You can't win if you don't enter!