Friday, October 30, 2015

40 Great Nail Art Ideas ~ Halloween!

Halloween Dahlings!

Yes, this is my fav holiday of every year.
I luv da imagery & mythos that go with it,
as well as da piles o' candy!

This week da Tarts are showing off their Halloween manis.

I did this...

 Me likey!

 I started with 2 buttery smooth & luscious coats of
I know it looks bluish in this pic,
but IRL it's a blue violet that is deep & vampy.

 I then full brush dabbed a coat of
Da medium dark orange holo bits brought da blues out in da Plum Skies.

 I then added a coat of Sally Hansen Dries Instantly.
I stamped using Hit the Bottle Absinthe

 I also used da big spider web from this Bunny Nails HD-C plate.

A coat of Seche Vite & all da creepies stayed put.

>^. .^<

Mah furbaby pride is on da road to recovery!
Ciri is back to being his usual hyper spaz self,
Ziggy is still on antibiotics, but eating on his own
& da girls both ate on their own last night
& again this morning.
 I luvs my Hot Cat toy!
I luv it, luv it, luv it to death! fell.
Go fetch, Meowmy?
Did you gets it yet? I still waiting...
These pics were taken like 5 minutes before posting.
You can see that Ciri's leg is all healed
& just needs da fur to grow back.
Thanks for stopping by
& please go shared da luvs
with da rest of the Tarts!
~ Inky

Crumpet's Nail Tarts Presents Halloween

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

HPB Presents ~ Halloween Treats

Hello Dahlings!
I tried, I really did.
I'm still nursing cats, tho they are getting better.
My mani for October's Hobby Polish Bloggers FB group
is less than stellar.
However, da base color I used was AWESOME SAUCE!!!
 I can only blame fatigue making it difficult to stamp straight.
Um...yeah...that's it.
That yummy coppery orange is Gorgeous Gourd Holo 
from Carpe Noctem Cosmetics LE re-release
of Emily's 1st ever collection with holo upgrade.
This beauty & da rest of the collection, with & without holo,
are on sale until Halloween (Oct 31st, 2015)
along with all da other bottles of pretty!!!
Just put CLEARANCE30 in da coupon box to save 30%
on all in stock Carpe Noctem Cosmetics nail polish!!!
My cockeyed stamping was done using Bundle Monster plate BM-S204
from their new Halloween/Fall themed set.
Both are from Beautometry
>^. .^<
I think da worst of da injuries & ill health have healed,
tho' da girls are still being persnickety about eating
& Ziggy is still on antibiotics.
Luna ain't this fat no mo'!
Thanks for stopping by
& please share da luvs with da other
Hobby Polish Bloggers!
~ Inky

Hobby Polish Bloggers is a Facebook group geared towards any nail blogger who blogs for fun and is looking for feedback, support, and a place to converse with fellow nail bloggers. Check us out on Facebook if you're interested in joining.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

40 Great Nail Art Ideas ~ Orange, Purple & Green

Hello Dahlings!
Real life is still a bit of a whirl, but a tad slower than a week ago,
so my Tart's mani is only a day late instead of a weekend late.
In addition to using these colors,
my pattern this time is Hound's-tooth, tweed or plaid.
I did this...
Not horrid, but it looked better in my head.
 Da line up ~ Bonita purple, orange & green glow in the dark
from both this year's & last year's Halloween kits available at Rite Aid;
 I started with a skittle of da Bonita's.
They're a crelly & this is 3 coats.
Da orange needed a 4th coat for full opacity, but I didn't bother.
Last time I wore these, I put white undies on first,
but this time I went commando
to see if it made a difference in da glow.
 I added a full brush dabbing of Screams Halloween.
This method involves not cleaning off the bottle brush
& laying it on the nail to transfer da glitters.
A wee bit of relocating a few clumpies
& I got really good coverage.
 I stamped da hound's-tooth pattern from Vivid Lacquer plate VL 005
using da HTB stamping polish & my beloved Creative Shop Stamper.
Yep, it glows just dandy fine without undies.
>^. .^<
 I feels fine.
Why won't Paw share his tofu jellie wif me?
 It sniffs good.
 I knows dere isn't any cow juice in dere.
 I still wants it!
 Still sniffs good.
 Tastes weird, but if Paw's eating it, it must be good, right?
 What's you mean I don't get anymore than dat?
Hoomans is weird.
Thanks for stopping by
& please share da luvs
with da other Tarts!
~ Inky

Crumpet's Nail Tarts Presents...Orange, Purple, and Green

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Indie Inlinkz Presents ~ Halloween!

Hello Dahlings!

It's da most wonderful time of the year!
Granted, every day is Halloween for me,
but this month is da bestest
for thingies that go bump in da night!

This month da Indie Inlinkz FB Group
are doing Halloween manis featuring of fav indie brands.

I did this...

 A Murder of One Crow.
I LOVE this mani!!!

 Pinky ~ Wrath
A bold blood red linear holo

Ring ~ Omega
A solid black linear holo.

Middle ~ Mine
A luscious blue violet linear holo with red to green shifting flakies.

Index ~ Scribe Virgin
A sinful squishy white linear holo with a pinky blue shimmer.
It may need a 3rd coat for full opacity.

Thumb ~ Black Dagger
A stormy grey scatter holo that can be worn as a topper
or beefed up to opaque in 3ish coats.
I only needed 2 coats to cover VNL.

As one can expect with Mill's beauties,
all of these were buttery smooth & opaque in 2-3 coats.

 After adding a coat of SH Dries instantly, I used one of these
to mask off part of my ring nail & then I did a sponge gradient
using Scribe Virgin, Wrath, Black Dagger & Mine over Omega.
I sealed in da holo-y goodness with a coat of Seche Vite.

So dark & sparkly! *swoon*

>^. .^<

So Ciri is pretty much all better, but... Ziggy is feeling poorly
with what looks to be an infection in his mouth.
I'll know what's up with my Ziggy Bear after we go to da vet's tonight.

I love my cats & will do whatever needs doing to take care of them,
but after 2 1/2 weeks of caring for Ciri every 4 hours or so,
I was really looking forward to getting some sleep.

Momma Inky is one exhausted kitty, but my furbabies need me.

Thanks for stopping by!
Please go visit da other Indie Inlinkz gals
& share da luvs with our indie polish makers!
~ Inky

Monday, October 19, 2015

40 Great Nail Art Ideas ~ Geeks

Howdy Dahlings!
Um...yeah, I'm like 3 days late posting this.
My excuse is sleep deprivation from nursing Ciri for da past 2 weeks
he got chewed up in a cat fight & was a very sick kitty 
coupled with having a Stamp Camp last Saturday.
This week da Tarts are doing Geek manis!
I did this...
 When I think of geek, I think of Mr Inky.
He's a VP of IT & got into 'puters back in da early 80's.
So he's as geeky as a peep can be & binary code is da original geek speak.
 Da line up ~ Cotton Granny Panties, Sinful Colors Glow In The Dark,
Bonita unnamed purple, orange & green gitds
 I used da binary code from Uber Chic plate Geek Love - 01
& my beloved Creative Shop Stamper to do da stamping
& French tip stencil stickers to shape da stamping into a curve.
I free handed da funky French tips using da bottle brushes.
 Yep! My geeky nails are backlit.
>^. .^<
 This was Wednesday, 2 weeks ago.
Ciri's left paw was nigh on twice the size of his right
& he had a Penrose drain in the underside of his leg.
You can see where he got bit to da bone.
His fever made him not want to eat,
so I had to force fluids down him every 2-3 hours
along with antibiotics, pain meds 
& hot compresses every 4 hours.
He's doing much better this week,
but still needs meds every 4 hours.
Naps are my friend,
but I ain't been getting much else done.
Thanks for stopping by
& please go visit da other Tarts!
~ One Tired Inky

Crumpet's Nail Tarts Presents - Geeks

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Friday, October 9, 2015

40 Great Nail Art Ideas! ~ Teal

Hello Dahlings!
This week da Tarts are doing 40+ manis in teal.
My assigned pattern is half & half,
so I did this...
 Your basic half & half mani done using striping tape.
Da gorgeous blue leaning teal holo with da pinky purple shimmer
 For my base I used 2 slightly streaky coats of Kleancolor Pastel Teal.
It really could have used a 3rd coat, but whatever.
I knew it would get a coat of Sally Hansen Dries Instantly
before I used da tape & again after adding Olaf.
Good enuf!
>^. .^<
Luna, da sleek & sassy, agrees.
Shhhh...don't call her fat or Luna da Hutt or Beached Orca,
she gets uber tetchy when teased about her prodigious bulk.
Thanks for stopping by
& please go treat your eyes
by visiting da other Tarts!
~ Inky

Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday Quickie ~ Masquerade on the Moon

Hello Dahlings!
Wow. I haven't done a Monday Quickie post in like forever.
OK Maybe more like a year. LOL
With da new Tart's challenge posting on Fridays,
I'm freed up to post quickies on most Mondays again!
Aren't y'all squeeeing all over yourselves now?
Let's see what I've dug out of da vault...
 This is Masquerade on da Moon!
I did this back in July, but had challenge manis to post.
So you're getting it now.
 This is 2 coats of Bear Pawlish Holiday on the Moon.
It was one of da Hella Holo Customs FB group polishes
for either June or July. I can't remember, I've slept since then.
 I do remember having so much fun with da holo multi chrome goodness
that I wore it plain for a day or 2 before adding nail art.
 I used Plate 08 from Cuttin Edge Nails
& of course, my beloved Creative Shop Stamper.
I sealed in da goodness with a coat of Seche Vite
& enjoyed playing with da rainbows & colors for a day or 2 more.
>^. .^<
 I'se being cute, so I knows you wants to rub mah belly.
How's 'bout a chin scritch...right here!
Thanks for stopping by!
~ Inky