Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sunday Swatchorama ~ TDWP Chocolate Lovers Reborn pt 1

Hello Dahlings!

This week I have for you da darker choco holos I have from
Let's get this choco swatchorama started!
All swatches are 2 butter smooth f
ast drying coats over base coat
& the pics were taken under LED light.
A luscious blackened brown holo. 
A rich deep brown jelly holo jelly
with a purple chrome under tone.
Also a deep brown holo jelly,
but this one has a rich wine red
chrome under tone.
A yummilicious medium golden brown holo.
You can drool over this calorie free
& then buy all da single bottles of Tami's
chocogasmic polish perfection ON SALE!
>^. .^<
Remember da pics I showed of Ciri & Lil Miss D a few month's ago?
Well my Mom & Missy came back a couple of weeks later
& instead of keeping 5+ feet apart at all times,
Ciri & Missy got almost friendly.
 What you doing on mah ledge, Missy?
 I not talking to no stinky boy cats.
 Hai! What you doing, Ciri?
Just hanging on dis ledge, Missy.
I guess we can hang out on dis ledge togethers.
Thanks for stopping by!
~ Inky, Ciri & Missy


  1. Replies
    1. They are so cute together! She's not sure about the big black cats, but she can't resist Ciri. LOL


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