Hello Dahlings!
Today da Glittah Pirates
are showing off their solar/thermal untrieds.
Uh yeah, I have both living on Mt Neverending Pile.
I don't know why I bother buying solar polish
cuz we don't get all that much sun where I live.
Not kidding!
Western Washington gets maybe 55 full sun,
no clouds to be seen, sunny days a year.
Most of those fall between July 5th
(da start of our dry season lol)
& mid August.
(If I hadn't gotten an LED lamp
I'd rarely get good pics of my holo polishes.)
So knowing da weather might thwart any attempts at
solar polish pics, I went with thermals.
4 of them!
This is 2 coats each commando!
(alas, this one is from da now defunct Big Cartel site
& no longer available)
if you like a subtle color shift, this one is that
Middle ~ Polish Me To Go Phenomenon
a one coat foil that might stamp,
tho I prefer not to use my indies for stamping
Ring ~ Polish Me To Go Unorthodox
would make a good topper with its clear base
& asst chunky black & silver holo glitter
a fine silver scatter holo gives this one a kick in da booty!
Da line up ~ Black Cat Lacquer Chivalry is Dead,
Polish Me To Go Unorthodox (previously worn) & Phenomenon,
The Lady Varnishes Boring Biggs
My nails after a hot bath...
...& after a cold shower.
I had forgotten that Unorthodox is also a gitd
until I went for my post Seche Vite potty visit.
Next up ~ What Was I Thinking, Buying This?
>^. .^<
Cirrus, His Royal Tininess of Cute-i-tude is back!
Ciri loves to sprawl on Mr Inky's tummy.
What? I in my happy place.
Thanks for stopping by!
Hopefully some of da other Pirates have some solar fun
to share along with more thermals!
~ Inky
The Neverending Pile Challenge - Solar/Thermal
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.